Meet the Class of 2020
The Bobby Orr Hall of Fame is live-streaming a Q&A with the Induction Class of 2020 on Friday, June 25th at 7:00 PM EST. The event, hosted by journalist and author Waubgeshig Rice, will give us the opportunity to get to know Chris Lee, Sarah ‘Sally’ Manning and Peter Wiltmann better. Also joining us are Future Hall of Famers Aidan Dudas, Megan Oldham, and Graham Ritchie to share their experiences returning to international competition during the pandemic. We will reschedule the formal induction ceremony for the Class of 2020 when we can safely host it in person at the Stockey Centre.
Thanks to our generous sponsors, tickets are now being offered on a pay what you can basis through the Stockey Centre Box Office via phone at 1 (877) 746-4466 and online at www.stockeycentre.com. As this is a virtual event only one ticket is required per household. Registered participants will receive an email with the link to join the virtual Zoom event.
Thank you to our generous sponsors! Your support helps to make community events possible.
To learn more about supporting this event, contact Caitlin Dyer at cdyer@bobbyorrhalloffame.com.
Media Sponsor