52 Seguin Street, Parry Sound, Ontario P2A 1B4
Tel: (705) 746-2101 Fax: (705) 746-7461 www.parrysound.ca
NOTICE – Facility Facility Closures until June 30, 2020 and Canada Day (Parry Sound, ON. – April 23, 2020)
On April 21, 2020 the Town of Parry Sound Council passed a resolution to cancel all bookings at the Bobby Orr Community Centre, the Charles W. Stockey Centre and the Bobby Orr Hall of Fame, and within our Municipal Parks up to and including June 30, 2020. This is an extension of closure for facilities which were originally closed to public activities in March.
This extension date of June 30, 2020 is set beyond that of the Provincial Orders in an effort to provide clarity and guidance for staff, facility renters and the public.
In addition to closing the recreational facilities to public activities, Council discussed and made the difficult decision to cancel the July 1, 2020 Canada Day Celebrations. Passing a resolution for staff to cancel the public gathering and to instead provide the public with ways to celebrate from home.
The extension of facility closures to public activities and cancellation of the Canada Day celebrations have been made in an effort to limit congregation of people within our community and prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Staff remain available at all municipal facilities through telephone and email. Please see our website www.parrysound.ca/coronavirus for complete and up to date closure notices, service changes and reductions for hours of service for all municipal facilities.
The Town of Parry Sound continues to work collaboratively with the West Parry Sound Area Municipalities to monitor the status of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) as it evolves to ensure business continuity while following direction from the Ministry of Health and the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit.
For up to date information about the virus please refer to the following websites:
- North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit – www.myhealthunit.ca
- Ontario Ministry of Health – www.ontario.ca/coronavirus
- Public Health Agency of Canada – www.canada.ca/coronavirus
For information regarding this facility closure, rentals and programming please contact:
Bobby Orr Hall of Fame
Caitlin Dyer, Bobby Orr Hall of Fame Curator cdyer@bobbyorrhalloffame.com
(705) 746-4466 ext. 208
Charles W. Stockey Centre for the Performing Arts
Nicole Mullen, Programming and Events Manager nmullen@stockeycentre.com
(705) 746-4466 ext. 202